Princesses & Leia Rebel updates

Yesterday I went to Hancock for some last minute things. I also got some done on Leia.
Working on Snow White’s collar now – once I finish that, all I need to do is add the cuffs, and do the bows for the shoes and hair, and finish her slip. Reckon I can do that today.
For Leia, I need to make the vest, put the pockets on the sleeve, finish the ID badge thingie and make the belt/holster. Can do that tomorrow/tuesday. Leia is small enough that if I need to, I can transport that in my suitcase, so I could work on Wednesday also. Here’s a progress pic:

My pants, belt, holster and the start of my shirt. Still working on the | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

If I don’t finish Polychrome (which is probable, I might could if I pushed it, but I don’t feel like it), my schedule is now this:
Friday: Leia Senate (8-11), Leia Slave (11:30-3), Arwen Blood Red (rest of the day)
Saturday: Mara (8-11), Leia Rebel (11-1), Leia Slave (1-2:30), Leia Rebel (3-whenever MOTF Costume contest is over), Leia Slave (rest of the day)
Sunday: Imperial Officer (9-11), Starfire (11-5), Belle (rest of the day)